In the sunlight therapy can be done indoors, but in the room there should be direct sunlight can enter without any obstructions so it will be maximum at the therapy process. So the correct design of the house is where in any room can be exposed to direct sunlight, in addition to the air circulation in the house should also be good.Its function is to eliminate viruses that are in our homes. The virus can only be killed by sunlight and can not be killed by the drug. So if you flu can be cured with the sun. Flu drug's function is simply to increase the resilience of our body and we should not always be expected to take random drug because it is tantamount to store toxins in our bodies. so if you eat the drug must be in accordance with a prescription because there dosage.Back again to the design of the house that the design of the house is right it is a slit in each room must be given to the inclusion of direct sunlight, the most correct of any room is arranged window on the east, and the shape of the door windows will be better if the open laterally so as not to block the light which will enter.Correct and healthy home is a house in which there are no goods or objects that interfere with our health. Internit example, it should be made from such natural or plywood boards that are more luxurious look wearing the existing plywood melamine. If internit regular or made from gypsum it is not good for our lungs. he will fall into small and imperceptible by our eyes in a glance. If you've already put the material should interninya should wear paint painted iron in order internit or gypsum does not fall out. So if you want to install gypsum should ask the paint is paint the walls do not iron because iron paint will be stronger.Usually we want to see our house look fresh and there were plants indoors. I suggest do not haphazardly put flowers or plants that would interfere with our health. Which terbenar is put plants whose function is to absorb toxins in our homes. One example is the aloe plant-law, it is very well placed in the room. Do not look at the price of an expensive plant if it will actually shorten your lifespan.thanks .... Next to Healing deseases ===>
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